How to Get Free Phones For Seniors on Social Security

How Can Seniors on Social Security Get Free Phones IN 2025? The lifeline program, run by the US government, provides free cell phones to low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled.

The program began in 1980 and was expanded in 2005 to incorporate communication services for qualified Americans. On the other hand, free phones for seniors on social security is another government-sponsored initiative that aims to provide free cell phones to elderly and low-income families. Qualified seniors are eligible for free cell phones and free cell phone plans.

Due to their weakness, the elderly and disabled are given priority among the eligible members. However, not everyone in the groups mentioned is eligible for free cell phone for the elderly and the disabled.

To be eligible, you must be a current participant in any federal government program. In addition, according to the federal poverty line, your yearly gross income should be less than or equal to 135 percent.

Furthermore, the free mobile phone service plan varies from state to state and wireless provider to wireless. As a result, before enrolling, you should double-check your cellular provider’s options in your state.

The government only considers the disabled with low income and the elderly over 65 regarding free smartphones.

Free Cell Phones with Service

1. Seniors can receive free cell phones through government and non-government programs. The most well-known program is the FCC’s Lifeline program, which provides a discount on monthly phone service for eligible low-income customers. Other programs include state-specific initiatives like Link Up America and the federal government’s Veterans Affairs Telecommunications Program.

2. To be eligible for a free cell phone with service, seniors must meet the income requirements set by each program. For example, the FCC’s Lifeline program requires that participants have an annual income at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines. In addition to meeting income requirements, seniors must also provide documentation to prove their eligibility for the program.

3. Once seniors have been approved for a free cell phone service, they will need to choose a provider that offers the program. Many providers offer free cell phones with service, so seniors should research all of their options before making a decision. Once they have found a provider that meets their needs, they will need to sign up for an account and activate their new phone.

Why does the government qualify free phones for seniors on social security?

The government felt the necessity to provide free phones to eligible seniors and the disabled for the following reasons.

  1. To ensure personal safety.
  2. Medical security.
  3. In terms of mental health.
  • To ensure personal safety: The elderly and disabled are society’s most vulnerable citizens. Most seniors are abandoned and spend most of their lives alone. A cellphone is essential to respond to an emergency in some instances. In contrast, the disabled are given free smartphones for personal security.
  • Medical security: Cell phones are essential for the personal and medical safety of senior citizens and disabled people. People in their later years are more likely to become ill. Therefore they need a cell phone nearby to call for aid if they are injured or unwell.
  • Regarding mental health: Seniors and disabled people experience several physical and emotional obstacles that impact their mental health. Cell phones can provide individuals with access to websites that can help them relax, relieve stress, and improve their mental health.

Amazon’s Top Senior-Friendly Products

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  • The lowest price of Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Smartphone was obtained on February 5, 2025 1:10 pm.

What is the Process of Using Lifeline?

Since 1985, the Lifeline program has offered qualified low-income consumers a discount on phone service to guarantee that all Americans have access to the opportunities and security that phone service provides, such as the ability to connect to employers, family, and emergency services.

Lifeline is a service provided by the Universal Service Fund. Lifeline is provided to low-income clients in every state, territory, commonwealth, and on tribal grounds.

The Universal Service Administrative Company is in charge of the Lifeline program (USAC). USAC is responsible for data collection and management, support computation, and payout for the low-income program. The website of USAC contains information about the low-income program’s administrative features and criteria.

Individuals with disabilities might qualify for the Lifeline program in various ways. If you meet one of the following criteria, you will immediately qualify:

  1. If you are a participant in a government-sponsored program such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
  2. Your yearly income must equal to or less than the federal poverty line.
  3. Be active in any social security program, such as SSI beneficiaries.
    • Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
    • Beneficiaries of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

How Do You Qualify For Free Cell Phone Service?

The lifeline program is a US government project that provides free government mobile phones to low-income households, such as the elderly and those with disabilities. The Universal Service Fund supports the initiative, which adds a tiny fee to every cellular payment.

You do not automatically qualify for this program, and some qualifying criteria are utilized to screen those who do. Members with disabilities, the elderly, and low-income families can qualify for the Lifeline program differently. If you meet one of the following criteria, you may be eligible.

Your household income is less than 135% of the federal poverty limit. A few states, in particular, have a more significant limit, so verify your state’s rules.

If you’re enrolled in one of the public or government-funded programs listed below, you’re eligible for a free phone and a monthly free cell phone service for seniors and the disabled.

  • Medicaid.
  • Food Stamps.
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance.
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance.
  • Supplementary Security Income (SSI).
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
  • National School Lunch Program’s Free School Lunch.
  • Tribal Head Start.
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

How To Sign Up For Free Phone Service

After you’ve confirmed that you’re qualified for a free mobile phone and service, you’ll need to find a carrier in your area. You can do so by going to the Lifeline help webpage. You can do the following:

  • In the event of a technical problem, you will be assisted.
  • Find a local Lifeline provider in your region.
  • Instructions on how to change providers may be found there.
  • Analyze the papers you’ll be required to provide.

Verification will undoubtedly be automated if you participate in any government programs, such as SSI, listed previously.

How Do You Choose the Best Lifeline Provider

Lifeline benefits differ from one provider to the next and from one state to the next. As a result, it would be easier to identify mobile phone carriers that provide better bargains than others, such as more minutes, data, or free government handsets.

Most Lifeline providers now supply Android smartphones with touch displays as a secondary phones. So, here are some pointers to help you pick the most excellent offer.

  1. More free minutes or more low-cost minutes may be available from one of these cellphone carriers. It would be best if you compared the free mobile phone companies’ offers in your area to find the best price.
  2. There are several free cell phone providers in each state, and you must determine which ones service your location.
  3. Afterward, go to your chosen wireless company’s website and register for the lifeline program.

Who Are the Best Providers of Free Phones for Seniors on Social Security?

  1. Safelink Wireless
  2. Safetynet Wireless
  3. QLink Wireless
  4. Assurance Wireless
  5. Life Wireless
  • Safelink Wireless: SafeLink Wireless® is a government-sponsored service called LifeLine. LifeLine is only available to those who are eligible. Tracfone’s Safelink Wireless brand offers free mobile phones and cell phone service. In certain areas, Safelink Wireless’s package includes 350 minutes, unlimited text messages, and 3GB of monthly data. Furthermore, it offers national coverage through 4G LTE-capable networks.
  • Safetynet Wireless: SafetyNet Wireless is a Lifeline and ACP Service Provider that offers free monthly cell phone service to qualifying customers. This company provides free cell phones to all eligible seniors in the United States. The base plan annually includes 750 free voice minutes, free telephones, and 500 complimentary text messages.
  • QLink Wireless: Lifeline is a federally financed government program that delivers millions of Americans monthly free cellular access. QLink Wireless is a well-known Lifeline provider that offers a free smartphone and unlimited texts, minutes, and 3GB of data per month. However, the service or discount offered may differ from one location to the next. Use your zip code to find out what services are available in your region.

Are you looking for the best Q Link Wireless Phones?

  • Assurance Wireless: The Virgin Mobile Corporation owns Assurance Wireless. It offers free mobile phones and free cell phone plans that range from 350 minutes per month to unlimited talk, text, and 2GB of data per month. However, free cell phone services differ by state, so you’ll need to figure out what’s available in yours.

Are you looking for compatible Assurance Wireless phones?

  • Life Wireless: Through the Federal LifeLine assistance program, Life Wireless delivers free government phones and cellular services to qualifying clients.

Free Phones Seniors

Many phone companies offer free cell phones for seniors. Some of these companies include Jitterbug, GreatCall, and other similar companies. These companies typically offer basic cell phones with large buttons and extra-loud volume controls.

They also usually have simplified menus to make it easy for seniors to use the phone’s features. In addition, many of these companies offer monthly plans with no long-term contracts. This can be an excellent option for seniors who want a cell phone but don’t want to be locked into a long-term plan.

Another option for seniors who want a free cell phone is to sign up for Medicare. Medicare Advantage plans often include free cell phones as their benefits package. This can be an excellent way for seniors to get a free phone and access to other benefits such as prescription drugs and dental coverage.

However, it’s important to note that not all Medicare Advantage plans will include a free cell phone benefit, so seniors should check with their plan provider before signing up.

Finally, some charities and non-profit organizations also provide free cell phones for low-income seniors. These programs typically have income requirements and may only provide the phone itself, or they may also cover the cost of monthly minutes. But for eligible seniors, this can be an excellent way to get a free cell phone and stay connected with family and friends.

Free cell phones for low income

The federal government provides a program that gives free cell phones to low-income individuals and families. The program is called Lifeline and is managed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You must meet specific eligibility requirements to qualify for a free cell phone from the Lifeline program.

First, you must participate in one of the following assistance programs: Medicaid, Food Stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Veterans Pension benefit, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

You can still qualify based on your income if you don’t participate in any of these programs. You must have an annual household income that falls at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines.

If you meet the above qualifications, you can receive a free cell phone and up to 250 minutes of free airtime each month. No contracts or credit checks are required to participate in the Lifeline program. Additionally, there are no hidden fees or charges associated with the program.

To apply for a free cell phone from Lifeline, fill out an application form and submit it to your preferred service provider. Once your application has been approved, you can choose a cellphone plan that best meets your needs. For more information about Lifeline and how to apply, visit the FCC’s website.

Free Phones for Seniors

The Lifeline program is excellent for seniors to get discounts on their monthly cellphone bills. This includes a free handset, no monthly fees, no contracts, and no credit checks. To qualify, seniors must either have an income at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines or participate in specific government assistance programs such as Medicaid, food stamps, or SSI. Proof of income or participation in one of these programs will need to be provided when applying for the Lifeline program.

The government has a program where they will give seniors a free cell phone. The phone comes with free monthly minutes, with no contracts or fees. This is an excellent way for seniors to stay connected with their loved ones and have a way to call for help if they need it.

To sign up for the program, seniors can go to the government website and fill out an application. Once approved, they will receive their free cell phone in the mail. They can then start using it right away!

This program is a great benefit for seniors and helps keep them connected to the world around them. It also gives them peace of mind knowing that they can always seek help if needed.

Free Government Phones for Seniors

A few different phone plans are available for seniors through the Lifeline program. The most basic plan provides a free government cell phone and up to 250 free minutes each month.

Texts are not included in this plan but can be added for an additional fee. For seniors who need more minutes, unlimited talk and text plans are available for a small monthly fee. Data can also be added to these plans for an additional cost.

The Lifeline program is available to any senior citizen who meets the income requirements. To qualify, seniors must either have an income at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines or participate in specific government assistance programs such as Medicaid, food stamps, or SSI. Proof of income or participation in one of these programs will need to be provided when applying for the Lifeline program.

Seniors who qualify for the Lifeline program can receive a free government cell phone and discounts on their monthly cellphone bill. This includes a free handset, no monthly fees, no contracts, and no credit checks. To enrol in the Lifeline program, seniors can contact one of the participating cellphone providers listed on the Universal Service Administrative Company website.

Free Cell Phones for Seniors

1. A free cell phone for seniors is an excellent way to stay connected with family and friends. It also allows you to have access to emergency services if needed. There are many ways to get a free cell phone for seniors, so be sure to research all your options.

2. One way to get a free cell phone for seniors is through the government-funded Lifeline program. Lifeline provides discounts on monthly telephone service for eligible low-income customers. To qualify, you must either have an income below a certain level or participate in specific public assistance programs. You will receive a discount of up to $9.25 per month on your telephone bill if you qualify.

3. Another way to get a free cell phone for seniors is through private organizations and charities such as Assurance Wireless and SafeLink Wireless. These companies offer free or discounted cell phones to low-income individuals who may not qualify for the Lifeline program. You may also be required to provide proof of income or participation in specific public assistance programs to qualify for these programs.

Free Cell Phone for Low Income

According to the Federal Communications Commission, about one in four households in the United States does not have a landline telephone. This leaves them disconnected from work, school, and critical government services. A new program called Lifeline offers free cell phone service for low-income Americans.

Lifeline is available to eligible customers who can prove they participate in specific government assistance programs, such as Medicaid or Food Stamps. The program provides a free cell phone and up to 250 minutes of talk time per month. Customers can also purchase additional minutes if they need more calling time.

The Lifeline program successfully connects low-income Americans with vital communication services. In addition to providing free cell phone service, Lifeline also offers discounts on other wireless services, such as text messaging and data plans. For many people below the poverty line, these discounts can make a big difference in their ability to stay connected with loved ones and essential services.

What is Social Security?

The word “Social Security” refers to the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program. It is a US federal program that pays retirement and disability payments to eligible US residents and their children, spouses, and other survivors.

A worker must be 62 years old and have paid into the Social Security system for at least 10 years to be eligible for retirement benefits. At, you can learn all you need to know about this program.


Why Should Seniors Consider the Lifeline Assistance Program?

Seniors might consider participating in the Lifeline Assistance program, which provides free monthly service and a free government phone if they qualify. Having a phone would allow elders to communicate with family and friends, as well as with healthcare and emergency services. It would also give them amusement as well as other valuable resources.

What Type of Phone is Best for Seniors?

When shopping for a phone for elders, seek features like big keypad numbers, icons, and onscreen text for easier reading. Long-lasting batteries, a phone tracking system that allows loved ones to follow the senior’s whereabouts, and health tracking tools that allow the senior to check their health and well-being and possibly even push them to live a better lifestyle should all be included in the phone.

Amazon’s Top Senior-Friendly Products

Medline Premium Empower Rollator Walker with Seat, Comfort Handles and Thick Backrest, Folding Walker for Seniors, 8" Wheels, Black Frame

$187.67 $199.99
in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • Increased mobility, independence and comfort with the premium Empower Rollator Walker from Medline | Features an easy and foldable design, large 8 inch wheels, and an extra-wide memory foam seat that swings up out of the way to give you more space to walk
  • Walker also includes a thicker cushioned reversible backrest, cup holder, removable under seat storage bag, easy-to-use locking brakes, tray organizer, and brightly marked adjustment points
  • Rolling walker adjusts easily for users from 4'11" to 6'4 tall | 17.5” width between handles
  • Supports up to 300 lbs. | Walker with seat weighs just 17 lbs.

Samsung Galaxy A32 (5G)

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • 6.5" TFT, 720 x 1600 pixels, 20:9 ratio (~270 ppi density), 5000mAh Battery, Bluetooth 5.0, Fingerprint - side-mounted
  • 64GB ROM, 4GB RAM, MediaTek MT6853 Dimensity 720 5G (7 nm), Octa-core, Mali-G57 MC3, Android 11, One UI 3.0
  • QUAD Rear Camera: 48 MP, f/1.8, 26mm (wide), 1/2.0", 0.8µm, 8 MP, f/2.2, 123˚, (ultrawide), 5 MP, f/2.4, (macro), 2 MP, f/2.4, (depth), Front Camera: 13MP, f/2.2
  • 2G GSM: 850/900/1800/1900, 3G UMTS: 850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100, 4G LTE:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 20, 25, 26, 38, 39, 40, 66, 71, 5G bands 25, 41, 66, 71 SA/NSA/Sub6 - Single SIM - SM-A326U
  • T-Mobile Unlocked Model. Compatible with Most GSM Carriers like T-Mobile, AT&T, MetroPCS, etc. Will NOT work with CDMA Carriers Such as Verizon, Cricket, Boost.

(Renewed) Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • Fully unlocked and compatible with any carrier of choice (e.g. AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, US-Cellular, Cricket, Metro, etc.).
  • The device does not come with headphones or a SIM card. It does include a charger and charging cable that may be generic.
  • Inspected and guaranteed to have minimal cosmetic damage, which is not noticeable when the device is held at arm's length.
  • Successfully passed a full diagnostic test which ensures like-new functionality and removal of any prior-user personal information.
  • Tested for battery health and guaranteed to have a minimum battery capacity of 80%.

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

$870.97 $1,099.00
in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion for a faster, more responsive feel
  • Cinematic mode adds shallow depth of field and shifts focus automatically in your videos
  • Pro camera system with new 12MP Telephoto, Wide, and Ultra Wide cameras; LiDAR Scanner; 6x optical zoom range; macro photography; Photographic Styles, ProRes video, Smart HDR 4, Night mode, Apple ProRAW, 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording
  • 12MP TrueDepth front camera with Night mode, 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording
  • A15 Bionic chip for lightning-fast performance

Sonim XP3 4G LTE

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • This Certified Refurbished Sonim Xp3 AT&T flip phone has been tested and certified fully functional, withand may arrive in a generic brown or white box. Clean IMEI. This AT&T phone may have signs of handling such as minor scratches or minor marks. The Sonim xp3 is backed by accessories may be generic and not directly from the manufacturer
  • The flip phone 4g lte AT&T unlocked is an ultra-rugged1 unlocked 4g lte flip phone built to communicate and thrive in extreme conditions. It is a rugged flip phone (IP68 certified, MIL-STD-810G durability) and super convenient. Capture images or video on the go with a built-in 5.0 MP rear camera
  • 100 dB+ speaker of this Sonim xp3 AT&T flip phone rugged with noise cancelation feature ensure your communication is loud and clear, even in helicopters, sirens and severe weather. Sonim XP3 AT&T unlocked has two sim slots, only one slot can be used at a time. If phone detect two sim cards inserted, sim in 2nd slot will be disabled
  • Sonim flip phone is 4G-LTE is suitable for bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 25, 26, 28, 30, 38, 41, and 66. Sonim xp3 flip phone does not have app store, so you cannot install apps

Moto G Power

$130.00 $249.99
in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • Unlocked for the freedom to choose your carrier. Compatible with AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon networks. Sim card not included. Customers may need to contact Sprint for activation on Sprint’s network. To use this Device on Verizon, first, provision your SIM through Verizon Wireless. Log in to your account on Verizon Wireless. Devices - activate or switch devices - activate.Optical sensor resolution:48 megapixels.Maximum display resolution:HD+ (1600x720) | 267ppi .Display Type:IPS.Form_factor : Bar
  • Up to three-day battery. Capture more of life without stopping to recharge thanks to a 5000 mAh battery.Aspect Ratio: 19:9
  • 48 MP triple camera system. Take stunning photos in any light, as well as beautifully blurred portraits and incredibly detailed closeups.
  • 6.6" Max Vision HD, display. Watch games, movies, and video chats come to life on an ultra-wide screen.
  • Has a 2020 Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 processor, updated from the 2019 Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 in the moto g power 2020.Lag-free performance. Get more done without slowing down thanks to a speedy Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 processor.

Moto G Power 2022

$149.99 $249.99
in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • Carrier compatibility: AT&T: VoLTE, Verizon: VoLTE, T Mobile: VoLTE, WiFi Calling, Video Calling, Tracfone: GSM, Spectrum: VoLTE, Wi-Fi calling Does not support: Boost, U.S. Cellular, Google Fi, Republic Wireless, Tracfone (CDMA), Straight Talk Wireless (CDMA), Ting, Xfinity Wireless, Optimum Mobile. For all carrier compatibility details - please check the product images in detail.Form_factor : Smartphone.Display resolution maximum:1600x720 pixels_per_inch
  • Up to 3-day battery. Capture more of life without stopping to recharge thanks to a 5000 mAh battery.
  • 50 MP camera system + Dual Capture. Take professional-looking portraits and close-up photos, and tell your story in more creative ways.
  • 128 GB built-in storage. Never give storage a second thought—hold hundreds of apps and videos or over 2000 songs.
  • 6.5" HD+ display with 90 Hz refresh rate. Bring games, movies, and video chats to life on a fast and fluid, ultra-wide screen.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Smartphone

$893.50 $1,199.99
in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • 8K SUPER STEADY VIDEO: Shoot videos that rival how epic your life is with stunning 8K recording, the highest recording resolution available on a smartphone; Video captured is effortlessly smooth, thanks to Auto Focus Video Stabilization on Galaxy S22 Ultra.Form_factor : Smartphone
  • NIGHTOGRAPHY plus PORTAIT MODE: Capture the night with crystal clear, bright pics and videos, no matter the lighting with Night Mode; Portrait Mode auto-detects and adjusts to what you want front and center, making all your photos worthy of a frame
  • 108MP PHOTO RESOLUTION plus BRIGHT DISPLAY: Capture premium detail with 108MP resolution— the highest available on a cell phone; Your favorite content will look even more epic on our brightest display ever with Vision Booster
  • ADAPTIVE COLOR CONTRAST: Streaming on the go, working from your patio or binge-watching late into the night. The Galaxy S22 Ultra adaptive screen automatically optimizes color and brightness, outdoors and indoors
  • LONG LASTING BATTERY plus FAST CHARGING: Power every scroll, click, tap and stream all day long and then some with an intelligent, long-lasting battery; Dive back into action at a moment’s notice with 45W Super-Fast Charging

Nokia 225

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • Compatibility: This is a single SIM device is designed to work with GSM carriers. This product will not support AT&T, Verizon or Verizon subsidiaries. Please confirm compatibility with your chosen carrier before purchasing. For support with SIM card or network related issues, please contact your carrier for assistance in connecting your device to the chosen compatible network. Product connection and signal strength are dependent on location and carrier network.
  • Discover a world of perks that come with 4G, including clearer call quality, seamless sharing, and multiplayer gaming.
  • Get more out of your phone with long-lasting battery life and signature sturdiness. Please note this phone uses the operating system Series 30+.
  • Take in premium design features, including a high-performance keymat, separate function keys, curved back, easy-grip edge, and hard-coated colors.
  • Beat boredom with the built-in camera, wireless FM radio, and a variety of great games.

Lucid Hearing Engage - Hearing Aids

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • Hear clearly without distortion straight from the box: Stream calls, music and more with the Lucid Hearing Engage hearing aids. Seamlessly switch between engaging with your surroundings and taking calls, listening to music, and more without having to transfer to headphones.
  • With up to 20 hours of battery life and convenient portable charging case: You never have to worry about your hearing aid batteries – simply recharge them using the wireless carrying case that comes with your pair of Lucid Hearing Engage hearing aids.
  • Lucid Hearing App, featuring LucidShape: The Lucid Hearing App is simple to download and provides quick and easy management of your listening experience right from your phone, allowing you to adjust your sound quality, connect you to streaming media, and personalize the way you listen to the world. Now, the Lucid Hearing App features the all-new LucidShape technology, which lets you personalize your hearing experience in real time, including Live Environment and Balance L+R adjustments.
  • Compatible with iPhone: Lucid Hearing Engage is compatible with iPhone 6s and newer model iPhones running at least iOS 12. If you’re looking for Android compatibility, check out our unique Lucid Hearing Engage models specially designed for Android phones.
  • Your satisfaction is our priority: We want you to try Lucid Hearing Engage without any worries, that’s why we’re proud to offer a 1-year warranty in case you ever need it.

Sliding Bath Transfer Bench with Swivel Seat-Padded

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • PROFESSIONAL GRADE sliding transfer shower bench, bath, and shower chair for inside shower. Effortless sliding and pivoting for safe, easy transfers in and out of the tub or shower. Platinum Health products are trusted in thousands of hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes by users who value quality, safety, convenience, and comfort over price. TOOL-LESS assembly in under 5 minutes. PLEASE REVIEW THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN THE LINE DRAWING BEFORE ORDERING TO ENSURE THIS ITEM WILL FIT YOUR ROOM
  • PADDED SHOWER SEAT AND BACKREST. No more cold, slippery, hard plastic surfaces like old-style bath chairs; the well made Gateway provides warm to the touch, comfortable, slip-resistant padding on both the seat and backrest. The medical-grade, closed-cell molded polyurethane padding will not absorb any water and is easy to clean and disinfect. 100% reversible-can be used with right side and left side access tubs and showers.
  • SWIVEL-SEAT SPACE-SAVING DESIGN. Not only is the swivel seat safer, easier to use, and more comfortable than a standard fixed seat, this design means that the shower chair for bathtub protrudes into the room much less than a traditional transfer bench. More convenient for the user, and more convenient for others that don’t require the use of the chair since the free space in the bathroom is much greater.
  • PADDED ASSIST HANDLE helps users easily glide in and out of the shower or tub. The smooth gliding bath chair eliminates the dangerous need to shuffle across the bench like old style bath benches that can often lead to skin tears, knee and hip joint strain as well as falls. ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT SEAT for the perfect fit.
  • HI CONTRAST COLOR FOR SAFETY. Our unique HI-VIEW BLUE color makes the key parts of the chair much easier to see by vision-impaired users. Rather than blending in with the background like old-style white benches, the blue contrast color helps users distinguish the chair from its surroundings and significantly reduces slips, trips and falls- the leading cause of death by injury in people over 65. A great addition to any elderly assistance products.

Extra Large Calendar Day Date Time Clock

in stock
Amazon price updated: February 5, 2025 1:10 pm


  • DAY CLOCK FOR SENIOR CARE: 7.5 inch digital day calendar clock non-Abbreviated spells out the full DAY of the WEEK, MONTH and DATE in large; you can see the day date time clock hanging on the wall at the door of the room.
  • 8 ALARM OPTIONS & 8 LANGUAGES: Dementia clock has 3 medication reminders & 5 daily alarms is very useful for Dementia Alzheimer Memory Loss Vision Impaired Seniors Elderly to take medications. 8 language: English, French, Germany, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Polish and Swedish.
  • TIME PERIOD DISPLAY: Day date time clock displays MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING, NIGHT and PREDAWN; Impaired vision clock uring the following times: 5:00 am - 11:59 am (MORNING), 12:00 pm - 4:59 pm (AFTERNOON), 5:00 pm to 8:59 pm (EVENING), 9:00 pm to 11:59 pm (NIGHT) and 12:00 am - 4:59 am(PREDAWN).
  • AUTO DIMMING OPTION: Calendar day clock display dims every night at 7:00PM (10cd/M2) and brightens up during the day at 7:00 AM (50cd/M2); Senior elderly care clock gives users a option to turn off the auto dimming function, especially for the people vision impaired
  • MAKES FOR A PERFECT GIFT: Day and month clock is a great gift for your mother, father, grandma and grandpa.The words Dementia, Alzheimers, and Memory Loss are intentionally excluded from the memory loss clock packaging.It is quickly becoming a perfect Senior Care and In Home Care necessity.

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Edwin Hobbs
Edwin K. Hobbs is an expert in Federal Lifeline Assistance and Government assistance programs. He has extensive knowledge of government grants and has helped many individuals and organizations navigate the complex application process. He has a strong background in policy analysis and program administration. He has received several awards and recognition for helping low-income individuals access government assistance programs. He holds a Master's degree in Public Policy and has completed additional grant writing and program evaluation coursework. He is also a published author on Government assistance programs.


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